Fighting Against Anemia ~ How Medicinal Plant Ashitaba Solves Your Anemic Tendencies
In the family, my mom, my sister and I are all prone to anemic tendencies (though not that serious). Having low blood pressure (about 90/60) is still considered normal for us. So we tend to always take iron supplements every day to prevent iron-deficient anemia. With the ashitaba phenomenon, we have been informed that one of the various active compounds in ashitaba is effective in solving anemic tendencies.
So when a morning is spent refilling cups of coffee, we turn the other way around. Instead of hot chocolate, milk or orange juice as a pick-me-up, we grab ashitaba tea. Preparing ashitaba tea is really simple. We just blanch the leaves lightly and boil them in water for about 10-15 minutes before drinking.
Taking ashitaba tea about three times a week has helped our blood pressure become 「more normal.」 After about a month since the first time we took ashitaba to date, my rate has been 100/80. My body gets enough oxygen, making me feel less tired. Oxygen is also carried to my organs and tissues and there are a good number of red blood cells circulating in my system. If that isn’t good news, I don’t know what is.
Power of Ashitaba Leaves: Too Good to be True?
Throughout the history in China and Japan, Ashitaba leaves have attracted many people’s attention. The tomorrow plant treats anemia as it is rich in B12 and chlorophyll. Yes, chlorophyll is the green pigment on plants that we learned about in middle school Science. It collects and stores energy from the sun.
Consuming food with chlorophyll helps our body build and stimulate new red blood cells (hemoglobin) which is good for our heart. Furthermore, when our body achieves sufficient purified red blood cells, they carry more oxygen to the blood’s tissues.
Ashitaba leaves and stem have this yellow sap called chalcones, which inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, interrupting the first step of arteriosclerosis. Taking chalcones cleans toxins in our blood and prevents the blood from being sticky, so that it can flow more easily.